Oct 4, 2018
Today I'm heading over the border to Sunny Shropshire to talk to farmer and co-founder of Small Robot Company, Sam Watson Jones @samjwj @smallrobotco
We talk about his family's farm near Newport where they've been for 4 generations, and the various enterprises they have going on there, and also Sam's decision to become a farmer whilst studying english literature at Newcastle University.
We go into the various job's he during the 5 years he spent away from the farm, including teaching at a tough inner city secondary school, and working for a global consultancy firm. We also discuss some of the changes he made after returning to the farm, including why he felt diversifying the business's income streams was so important.
We then talk about Small Robot company at length, including how it initially came about, how the robots (Tom, Dick, Harry, and Wilma) work, what they're trying to achieve with it, and how robotics are going to change agriculture sooner than we all think.
Will the robots rise up and murder him in his sleep? Who knows, but in the meantime, it was fantastic to talk to such an enterprising and entrepreneurial man as Sam, and learn more about Small Robot Company.
Check it out folks..
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