Sep 26, 2018
Tonight I'm thrilled to be heading up to beautiful Northumberland to talk to Farmer and writer, Sally Urwin @PintSizedFarmer
We start off by talking about the book she's written about her farming life (due out in April!), how it all came about, and the whole writing process, before moving on to chat about her early life growing up in North Tyneside by the sea.
We hear about the 'immensely boring office job' she did after University, and how eventually, in the early days of internet dating & after searching for a 'man under 5'8' who lived in the countryside', she met her future husband, Steve.
We talk about her early days on the farm, and how much she had to learn, before we discuss their diversification into a brewery and wedding venue, and some of the difficulties it caused them.
We talk about 2018, and what a difficult year it's been for them, which led, with Steve having lost his part time job in January, and financial pressure building, to them contacting the charity RABI, and receiving financial help.
We also hear about her Generalised Anxiety Disorder, what it is, and how she copes with it, partly with the help of some awesome drugs!
All this, and much, much more.
Sally's one of my favourite people to follow on social media, not only because she's incredibly funny, but because she's so honest about her farming life, and it was an absolute pleasure to talk to her tonight.
Check it out folks..
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