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Rock & Roll Farming

Apr 16, 2017

Dr. Jude Capper has no farming background, yet jets all around the world talking to  farmers, industry leaders, and politicians on Livestock Sustainability. Find out how the hell this happened, as well as what it's like to walk out on stage and present to 1000s of people at a time, and how it feels to be be one of Michael Gove's 'experts.'

We also find out about THOSE rockin' Cowboy boots, and what it was like living and working in the good ol' US of A for 8 1/2 years. As well as the shock of being diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 25, and what she took from that difficult experience.

Jude tells us what we can do as individual farmers to be more sustainable, and I also realise that I've been eating hot cross buns the wrong way for 38 years, which I've since remedied. We also find out that SHE USED TO BE A VEGAN but was saved by the amazing life-giving powers of bacon, and would like to be Clive Owen's other half for a day.

Jude's one of the very best representatives of our amazing industry, and I really enjoyed talking to her about all these things and more. Check it out folks..