Oct 11, 2017
Tonight I'm heading up to Dumfriesshire in South West Scotland to talk to the one and only Heather Wildman ( @wildmanheather)
Heather tells us about her family and background growing up in Cumbria, and her wide range of experiences in YFC, before going on to talk about her time working for DeLaval and her time spent in New Zealand.
We then hear about her time at Minsups and First Milk, before we talk at length about her Nuffield Scholarship, and the amazing experiences she had on her travels.
We talk about the thought process that led to her starting her company 'Saviour Associates' in 2014, that provides staff management and motivation training, leadership and strategy workshops, and family succession advice. We also discuss the leadership programme that she designed for SAYFC.
Heather's one of the most positive and inspiring people involved in the British agricultural industry, and it was a pleasure to talk to her tonight. Check it out folks..